Monday, September 6, 2010

One Of God's most greatest creation, a snake with 5 heads...

In Mythology, snakes with extra heads are usually known as the Hydra.

Hydra is an ancient Greek mythical beast that was mentioned in the tale of the twelve labours of Hercules (also called Heracles). The hydra has 9 heads, the number of head varies from different versions of the legend, however, more accounts agree on nine. It was said that the middle one was immortal and it has very poisonous venom and breath.

If the heads are cut off, the heads would grow back. One head cut-off would result to two heads growing back in its place.

The Hydra was believed to have lived in the Lernean marsh which is located near Argolis, the region around Argos, Greece.

The serpent-woman Echinda and the hundred headed Typhon are Hydra’s parents. His siblings include the Nemean lion, Cerberus, Chimer and Ladon.

The Hydra guards the entrance to the Underworld and from the murky swamps of the Lake of Lerna the monstrous serpent would rise and terrorize the city. The Hydra was finally killed by Hercules during his second labor. 

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