Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Price Of SIGUP increase

The price increase in cigarettes won't actually help to make smoker quit smoking, but instead it just help the business people to find ways to smuggle cigarettes. So the government should think twice before enforcing the law.
Singapore has tight security in their custom but still people manage to smuggle in cigarettes. What about here? If MoH are really trying to help smokers to quit smoking then where is the campaign? Yes, I'd saw the ‘No Smoking' banners all around the street corner and advertisement from TV, and what else? We cannot smoke in public and if you do so you will be fine.
But still I don't see this was enforced properly, because people are still smoking on the street and in restaurant.
Lastly I have went to RIPAS hospital on several occasion this year and I've asked the doctor either is there anyway to quit smoking or not but until now I had no information on it. So what MoH should've done is just a doing simple task, how can this increasing in cigarette price could help?
addiction can cause crime!

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