Tuesday, November 2, 2010

E-Speed, ignoring the complains. -from a local

"Seriously, e-speed is getting Worst! The connection is getting slow and lags much! Forget the future planning which may take decades, what important is now; it seems like there's no short-term planning or backup to improve this kind of problems.
I have to click the repair button for thousand of times in order to get back the connection or to unplug and plug back on the cable and keeps on refreshing pages until I give up on it. Therefore, it took me at least half an hour just to open up my mailbox! Downloading file? ...FAILED! How can you provide such service which is not worth a price?
If the only reason is because there's not much Internet Service Provider (ISP) then stop getting more and more subscribers with your whatsoever advertisement campaign which may only creating so much problem with the connection. Doesn't u need to fix things first?
Oh well, if the problem persist until the end of the year, then I'll cancel my subscription."

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